Arts Digital Collections (ADC)

Create websites for hosting digital objects such as images, audio, and video.

Arts Digital Collections (ADC) is a platform that allows for the creation of websites to host digital objects for teaching, learning, and archival purposes.


Digital objects in Arts Digital Collections can be assigned metadata such as creator, period, location, and publisher, which can be further used to search, filter, and sort results. Field labels can also be modified as appropriate for the context of the materials hosted on the site.

ADC also provides the ability to control which materials can be viewed and downloaded based on media rights. Materials and their metadata can be public or private, and the ability to download or view full resolution media can also be controlled, as needed. Once uploaded to the system, users can browse materials using search and filtering functions that are tied to the metadata associated with each item (e.g. by location or period).

Arts ISIT Resources

Login with your CWL using the “Login” link located at the top right-hand corner of the screen or by entering “” into your browser (note: if you don’t have access to your site, you’ll need to contact an existing site administrator or the head/director of your unit)

The instructions for adding or removing users will depend on how access is managed for your site. To find out, complete the following:

  1. Login to ADC
  2. Once logged in, go to Dashboard > Settings > Reading
  3. Confirm whether or not the “Use EAD groups for access” checkbox is checked under Shibboleth filters
  4. If yes, it means that access is handled separately and you will need to contact our Help Desk at to add or remove users. If no, proceed to the next step
  5. Go to Dashboard > Users
  6. If adding a new user:
    • Click on Add user
    • Enter the user’s CWL, associated email address, role
    • Click Add new user
  7. If removing users:
    • Go to All users
    • Select the Remove option located below the individual’s username

 Add a collection item

  1. Login to ADC
  2. Once logged in, navigate to Dashboard > Collection Items and click on the “Add collection item” button that appears at the top of the page
  3. Once selected, you will be presented with all of the metafields available for your site. Enter in the relevant metadata for the new collection item and upload your media file
  4. Once entered, select the relevant collections, keywords, or any other categorizations that apply to the collection item and click on the “Update” button located on the top right-hand corner of the screen to publish the item
  5. Alternatively, you can upload multiple items by using the “Bulk Import” function (see instructions under “Bulk import numerous collection items at once”; note: bulk import can only be used for metadata and visual materials, such as images or PDFs. For all other media types, the files will need to be uploaded after the items have been created through the bulk import function.)

Edit a collection item

  1. Login to ADC
  2. Once logged in, navigate to Dashboard > Collection Items
  3. You can edit a single collection item by hovering over the title of the item and then clicking the “Edit” link. This will allow you to then edit any relevant metafields, upload a new version of the associated media file, and/or update the collection, keyword, or any other categorization that applies to your site and publish these changes by clicking on the “Update” button located on the top right-hand corner of the screen
  4. Alternatively, when viewing all Collection Items via Dashboard > Collection Items, you can select the checkboxes located on the left-hand side of each item and perform a bulk edit by selecting “Edit” under the “Bulk actions” drop-down located at the top of the screen (note: options for bulk edits are limited, so for more options, edit each item individually). You can also make use of the filtering, sorting, and search functions to locate specific items for editing

Duplicate a collection item with similar metafields

  1. Login to ADC
  2. Once logged in, navigate to Dashboard > Collection Items
  3. You can duplicate a single collection item by hovering over the title of the item and then clicking the “Duplicate Collection Item” link. This will allow you to then edit a duplicate of that collection item, so you can simply update any relevant metafields, upload an alternative version of the associated media file, and/or update the collection, keyword, or any other categorization that applies to your site and publish the new collection item by clicking on the “Update” button located on the top right-hand corner of the screen

Delete a collection item

  1. Login to ADC
  2. Once logged in, navigate to Dashboard > Collection Items 
  3. Deleting a single item:
    • Hover over the title of the item and then click the “Trash” link. This will move the item to the Trash, where it can be deleted permanently by navigating to the Trash and clicking on the “Delete Permanently” link that appears when you hover over the title
  4. Bulk deleting:
    • Go to Dashboard > Collection Items
    • Select the checkboxes located on the left-hand side of each item
    • Select “Move to Trash” under the “Bulk Actions” drop-down located at the top of the screen.
  5. You can also make use of the filtering, sorting, and search functions to locate specific items for deletion

Set a collection item to "Pending Review"

  1. Login to ADC
  2. Once logged in, navigate to Dashboard > Collection Items
  3. In the section “Publish” at top-right, change visibility to “Public”, and then change status to “Pending Review”.
  4. Save your changes by clicking on the “Publish” button.

Site administrators can bulk import large numbers of collections (up to 700 MB at a time) using the Collection Import option. In order to make use of this feature, you will need to:

  1. Login to ADC
  2. Go to Dashboard > Collection Items > Collection Import and follow the provided instruction
  3. Create a pure-comma delimited file (.csv) containing all of the metadata for each of the collection items you wish to import (see this GoogleSheet template as an example:
    • Note: only the content under the "Template" tab is applicable. The other tabs are there as guides, do not include these.
    • You would only need to have column headings for the required fields in your collection.
  4. Make sure the csv file follows the rules:
    1. For the 1st column File, no empty cell is allowed.
    2. Only the files names for visual materials (i.e., images, PDFs) can be included (audio, video, or other media need to be uploaded directly to the collection item after it's been created).
  5. Create a folder on your computer and include your .csv file and all of the associated files (i.e. jpeg, png, pdf)
  6. Compress the folder into a .zip file; ensure that the .zip file is less than 700MB, otherwise, split up into multiple files
  7. Drag and drop your .zip file from your desktop to the csv importer
  8. Import
  9. Wait for prompt showing all the items are imported
  10. Bulk edit all items to Publish:
    1. Select all collection items
    2. Bulk Edit > Select Edit > Apply
    3. Status > Published
    4. Update

Add, edit or delete a collection set

  1. Login to ADC
  2. Once logged in, navigate to Dashboard > Collection Items > Collection Sets
  3. To edit a Collection Set, click on the title of the relevant Collection Set. Here you can edit the title, as well as add or remove collections from the Collection Set by clicking or unclicking collections under the “Collections” drop-down located to the right of the screen. Once you have made your desired changes, click on the “Update” button located on the top right-hand corner of the screen
  4. To add a Collection Set, click on the “Add New” button located at the top of the screen. Enter the Collection Set Title into both the Title and Body, click on any collections that belong to this Collection Set under the “Collections” drop-down located to the right of the screen, and then click on the “Publish” button located on the top-right hand corner of the screen
  5. To delete a Collection Set, click on the title of the relevant Collection Set and click on the “Move to trash” link located under the “Status & visibility” drop-down located to the right of the screen. If deleting multiple collection sets, you can make use of the bulk actions available on the Collection Sets screen by selecting the checkboxes located to the left of each Collection Set and choosing the bulk action “Move to Trash”

Add, edit or delete a collection

  1. Login to ADC
  2. Go to Dashboard > Collection Items > Collections 
  3. To edit a Collection:
    • Click on the title of the relevant Collection.
    • Edit the title and slug.
    • Click on the Update
  4. To add a Collection:
    • Enter the desired Title (slug is optional, as it will populate automatically if nothing is entered)
    • Click Add New Collection
  5. To delete a Collection:
    • Click on the title of the relevant Collection Set
    • Click on the Delete link located at the bottom of the screen.
    • If deleting multiple collections, you can make use of the bulk actions available on the Collections screen by selecting the checkboxes located to the left of each Collection Set and choosing the bulk action Delete

Once a collection has been created, you can add or remove collection items via Dashboard > Collection Items by either editing individual items or making use of the bulk actions.

You can also add or remove collections from Collection Sets by following the instructions above under Dashboard > Collection Items > Collection Sets.

Note: The “Parent Collection” checkbox that appears when editing Collections will not assign collections to a collection set. Any additions to Collection Sets must be done via Dashboard > Collection Items > Collection Sets.

If you would like to update the text on your homepage, simply login to the site and click on “Edit Page” while viewing the homepage. This will take you to the page editor. Enter in your changes, and click on the Update button at the top right-hand corner of the screen to save your changes.

ADC is built using a template, which allows numerous sites across the Faculty to be supported more easily. As such, major changes to the design, layout, or functionality cannot be accommodated immediately and will need to be requested. If you would like to request a new feature or customization for your site, please complete our contact form. When completing the form, please select the “Other” option and provide us with details about your request. Helpful information includes a detailed description of what you would like implemented, the reasoning for the request and the potential benefits (or risks, if not implemented), as well as examples from other sites.

Upon submission, someone from our team will follow-up with you shortly. Each request will be reviewed with priority given to those that are the most heavily requested with the largest user impact. New features or customizations will be acted upon only when resources are available.

Additional Resources


If you would like further support on Arts Digital Collections, please connect with us to learn more about the tool and its capabilities.

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