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Angela Lam
Job title
Senior Manager, Arts Learning Technology Support
Learning Centre
What year did you begin to work at Arts ISIT?
Describe what you do at Arts ISIT
I am responsible for strategic planning, development, implementing, resourcing, and management of the Faculty of Arts Learning Technology Support Centre. I provide leadership in applying educational technology in designing and developing courses, curriculum, and other educational materials for instructors and programs in the Faculty of Arts.
What is the best thing about the work you do at Arts ISIT?
The best thing about my work is having the opportunity to positively impact education by sharing with faculty how to leverage technology effectively to enhance teaching and learning experiences and improve educational outcomes.
I also enjoy working closely with other support units such as the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT), the Learning Technology Hub (LT Hub), and other instructional support units at UBC, collaborating, building strong relationships, exchanging ideas, and contributing to a supportive community focused on educational improvement.
What are your areas of expertise?
My areas of expertise include pedagogy, learning design, and a strong understanding of integrating technology into educational settings. This includes knowledge of various learning management systems, digital tools, instructional software, educational applications, multimedia resources and other technologies that enhance teaching and learning. In addition, it is the ability to align technology with pedagogical goals to support student engagement and achievement.
Which services does your work relate to?
Which resources relate to your work?
Which tools relate to your work?
Can you share some of your personal interests or hobbies?
I enjoy fitness and eating.