Collaborative Learning Annotation System (CLAS) is a web application that integrates video playback, time based annotation and commenting, recording, and media management, all into one application.
CLAS encourages self-directed engagement with online content, while at the same facilitating peer to peer learning and collaborative activities such as peer assessment. Besides providing annotation and collaboration, CLAS is also a well-equipped video application with features designed specifically to support education, most notably, flexible and customizable access control of both videos and annotations/comments.
CLAS supports offers features and functions that supports three media types for display, annotation, discussion and collaborative learning.
Supported media
- Video and audio: add time-specific annotations as you review media
- Images: select an area or a point in an image and add an annotation
- PDF: upload a PDF file and add in-line audio, video or text annotations
Key features and functions
- Instructors and students can upload media for discussion, collaboration and peer review
- Import media directly from YouTube or other self-hosted servers via a URL
- Integration with Canvas, allowing single sign-on for students. Import enrollments directly from the Student Information System (SIS)
- Create groups to control participation and content visibility
- Organize media content using playlists
- Create assignment drop boxes for students to submit their media content
- Tag your annotations with key works and easily search for them later
Arts ISIT Resources
Make the most of CLAS by accessing Arts ISIT resources through the CLAS website which features teaching stories from instructors across different faculties and tutorials for instructors, students and administrators.
CLAS is one of many video platforms supported by Arts ISIT, view the comparison chart to see which one fits your requirements.
If CLAS is having trouble uploading your video because it is too large or an incompatible format, please refer to the Handbrake guide on how to optimize your video.
If you would like further support on CLAS please connect with us to learn more about the tool and its capabilities.