
Send and receive emails with ease and effectively manage your calendar by using UBC’s enterprise email service, UBC Faculty & Staff Email (FASmail).

FASmail offers email and calendar services for all active UBC staff, faculty, and student employees, and they work together to provide a comprehensive experience across desktop, online, and mobile platforms.


FASmail features include:

  • 8GB mailbox and calendar
  • Safe and secure mail storage using the UBC Storage Grid
  • A comprehensive list of UBC faculty and staff using FASmail in one address book
  • The ability to look up availability of meeting rooms, equipment and others using FASmail
  • The ability to schedule meetings based on availability and accept or decline meeting requests
  • The option to delegate mailbox and/or calendar access to other FASmail users
  • Virus protection and spam prevention
  • Sends and stores emails on Canadian servers, which ensures that your data is compliant with federal and UBC information security standards
  • A webmail interface (Outlook Web App) that provides an Outlook-like experience using a wide variety of web browsers

Additional Resources


If you would like further support on FASmail, please connect with us to learn more about the tool and its capabilities.

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