Arts Mailing List System

Create and maintain dynamic targeted mailing lists for Arts faculty, staff, and students.

The Arts Mailing List System can be used by units within the Dean’s Office in the Faculty of Arts to manage targeted mailing lists for faculty, staff, and students. Unlike UBC Mailing Lists, the Arts Mailing List System is integrated with Workday, which allows recipient lists to be automatically updated based on current employee and student data.


The Arts Mailing List System offers the ability to create and maintain targeted mailing lists, along with the following features:

  • Allows for the creation of manual and dynamic mailing lists for Arts faculty, staff, and students
  • Provides multiple levels of access for managing mailing lists, including mailing list owners, privileged owners, and moderators
  • Includes bulk import and export functions for simple integration with complementary tools like Envoke
  • Provides flexibility, so even large mailing lists can accommodate exceptions and be customized according to user needs
  • Abides by university and provincial privacy and security standards (e.g., FIPPA)

Arts ISIT Resources

Access our tutorials to help you get started and manage your mailing lists.

Getting Started

Learn how to access the Arts Mailing List System, about the different access roles, and how to browse and search for the lists you manage.

To access the Arts Mailing List System, you will need to be a Listmaster, Basic Owner, Privileged Owner, or Moderator of an existing list.

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the Login button
  3. Enter your CWL credentials


  • Used by select Arts ISIT and Arts Communication staff for support. Provides ability to:
    • Create lists
    • Combine lists
    • View and delete closed lists
    • Edit user emails
    • Switch to another user’s account to troubleshoot
    • Manage add/delete subscriber privileges
    • Access all lists in the system
    • Access all features and settings available to all user roles

Privileged and Basic Owners

  • Edit list details
  • Manage list owners and moderators*
  • Manage subscribers of lists
  • Add/delete subscribers
  • Modify list sending settings*
  • Modify list receiving settings
  • Approve messages sent to a moderated list
  • Edit notification templates
  • Download/Delete archived messages
  • View logs

*Privileged owners only


  • View list information
  • Approve messages sent to a moderated list
  • View logs

You will only see lists that are made visible in the index by an owner, or if you are an Owner or Moderator of a list. Your access role will be indicated in brackets beside the list address.

  1. Click on Browse & Edit Lists
  2. Use the search bar to type the name or address of the list, filter by alphabet, or browse through the list index
  3. Click on the list address that you would like to view or manage

You will be directed to the List Home

Manage Lists

Once you’ve accessed the List Home (see instructions for “Browse List”), you will be able to access list Settings and/or Requests from the left menu (refer to “User Access Roles”).

Once a list has been created:

  1. Check and edit the list settings as necessary (see List type default settings below)
  2. Add users
    • Add additional owners (see instructions for “Manage Owners”)
    • Add moderators (see instructions for “Manage Moderators”)
    • Add subscribers if it is a manual list (see instructions for “Manage Subscribers”)

List type default settings

When new lists are created, they include a number of default settings according to the intended purpose.  These settings are outlined below and should be reviewed by owners whenever new lists are created. For easy reference, differences are in bolded text.

Discussion: Public list

  • [Details] List Visibility: “Show list in list index”
  • [Sending & Receiving] Sending: “Subscribers only”
  • [Sending & Receiving] Receiving: “All subscribers”
  • [Privileges] List info visibility: “Anyone can view list information”
  • [Privileges] Add Subscribers: “Owners only”
  • [Privileges] Delete Subscribers: “Owners only”
  • [Privileges] Invite Subscribers: “Owners and subscribers”
  • [Privileges] Review Subscribers: “Owners and listmasters”
  • [Privileges] Owner - Type: “Basic owner”
  • [Privileges] Owner - Email notification: “Send email notification”
  • [Privileges] Owner - List visibility: “Show owners name in list index”
  • [Privileges] Moderators – Email notification: “Send email notification”
  • [Privileges] Moderators – Email notification: “Show moderators name in list index”
  • [Error Prevention]: 30 days

Announcement: Private list

  • [Details] List Visibility: “Hide list from list index”
  • [Sending & Receiving] Sending: “List owners only”
  • [Sending & Receiving] Receiving: “Sender (recommended)”
  • [Privileges] List info visibility: “Anyone can view list information”
  • [Privileges] Add Subscribers: “Owners only”
  • [Privileges] Delete Subscribers: “Owners only”
  • [Privileges] Invite Subscribers: “Owners and subscribers”
  • [Privileges] Review Subscribers: “Owners and subscribers only”
  • [Privileges] Owner - Type: “Basic owner”
  • [Privileges] Owner - Email notification: “Send email notification”
  • [Privileges] Owner - List visibility: “Show owners name in list index”
  • [Privileges] Moderators – Email notification: it shows “Send email notification”
  • [Privileges] Moderators – Email notification: it shows “Show moderators name in list index”
  • [Error Prevention]: 15 days

Edit the list name as it appears on the list index and list management pages and set its visibility in the list index.

  1. From the left menu, go to Settings > General > Details
  2. Under List Name, enter the name of your list
  3. Under List Visibility, select one from the following:
  4. Show list in list index
  5. Hide list from the list index
    (Note: hiding the list applies to non-subscribers and subscribers only.)
  6. Click Apply Changes

Decide who will be allowed to send messages to a list and who will receive replies to the messages.

  1. From the left menu, go to Settings > General > Sending & Receiving
  2. Under Sending, select an option*
  3. Options that indicate “moderated” mean that messages will be held for review for approval before being sent out or rejected. (see instructions for Manage message requests)
  4. Under Receiving, select an option
  5. If “Other email address” is selected, an email field will appear below for you to fill
  6. Click Apply Changes

*Privileged owners only

Edit who can view the list information, who can subscribe, and determine the access of list owners and moderators.

  1. From the left menu, go to Settings > General > Privileges
  2. Apply available options under each section:
  3. List Information Visibility – determine who can view the list information from the “List Home” page
  4. Invite Subscribers – determine who can invite people to subscribe to the list
  5. Review Subscribers* – determine who can review the list of subscribers
  6. Owners: Type – determine the default profile selected when adding an owner
  7. Owners: Email Notification* – determine if an email will be sent to the owner notifying them that you have added them to the list
  8. Owners: List Visibility* - determine if the owner’s name will appear in the list index
  9. Moderators: Email Notification* - determine if an email will be sent to the moderator notifying them that you have added them to the list
  10. Moderators: List Visibility* - determine if the moderator's name will appear in the list index
  11. Click Apply Changes

*Privileged owners only

Customize the automated notification messages that are sent from the system.

Note: Default messages are written with mailing list merge tags.

  1. From the left menu, go to Settings > General > Notification Templates
  2. Edit messages for any of the following:
  3. Welcome message - sent to new subscribers
  4. Rejection message - when a message is rejected by list moderator, a notification can be sent to the original author
  5. Deletion message - sent to users when you remove them from the list using the DEL command (unless you select the Quiet option)
  6. Virus infection message - sent to the sender of a message in which a virus was found
  7. Click Save after editing each message

Add, delete, or modify subscribers to this mailing list. Subscribers of this list receive emails sent to the mailing list email address.

  1. From the left menu, go to Settings > Users > Subscribers
  2. On this page you can do the following:

Add subscribers individually

  1. Under Individual Email, fill in the following fields:
    • Email
    • Name
  2. (Optional) to check the box beside “Don’t send notification email”
  3. Click Add Subscriber

Add subscribers in bulk

  1. Under Multiple Emails, click Add Subscribers
  2. Per line, add each subscriber by entering their email address followed by their name
  3. (Optional) Check the box beside “Don’t send notification email”
  4. Click Add Subscribers

Synchronize Subscribers

Synchronize all mailing list data with the most recent data sources. This option is only visible for combined mailing lists.

  1. Click Synchronize now
  2. A confirmation of synchronized lists will appear

Subscriber Index

Browse, search, and edit subscribers of the mailing list.

You can perform the following actions:


  1. Enter a name or email address
  2. Click Enter or Return on your keyboard
  3. Click X in the right side of the field to clear your search


Edit subscriber information

  1. Search or browse for a name in the list
  2. Click on a subscriber's email address
  3. You can apply changes to the following:
    • Email
    • Name
    • Receiving – types of content the user will be receiving
  4. Click Apply modifications


Unsubscribe a user

  1. Search or browse for a name in the list
  2. Click on a subscriber's email address
  3. Scroll to the bottom
  4. Optional: Check the box beside “Quiet (do not send email notification)”
  5. Click Unsubscribe the User
  6. Click Confirm
  7. The user will now be listed under the Unsubscriber Index (see instructions for “View and restore Unsubscribers”)


Bulk delete subscribers

  1. Check the boxes beside each subscriber you would like to delete
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page
  3. Optional: Check the box beside “Quiet (do not send email notification)”
  4. Click Delete selected

Note: if your list is long, it may contain multiple pages (page indicated in the bottom right of the list). You will need to repeat these steps for each page.


Export subscriber list information

The exported .csv file will contain all subscribers in the list and their email address, name, email notification type, source of their subscription, last updated, date added, and bounce status.

  1. Click Export in the top right of the list

Only deleted subscribers, initially originating from a data source, will appear in the unsubscriber index table. Unsubscribers of this list will not receive emails sent to the mailing list email address.

To restore deleted subscribers:

  1. From the left menu, go to Settings > Users > Unsubscribers
  2. Under the Unsubscriber Index, check the boxes beside the email addresses that you would like to restore
  3. Optional: Check the box beside “Quiet (do not send email notification)”
  4. Click Restore selected email addresses

Add, delete, or modify blocked users from this mailing list. Blocked users are prevented from sending emails to this mailing list. 

  1. From the left menu, go to Settings > Users > Blocked Users 
  2. In the field provided, you can: 
  3. Add blocked users – enter one mail address per line, include an asterisk (*) to indicate any string from that domain (example: * 
  4. Delete blocked users – remove them from the existing list 
  5. Modify existing blocked users – make direct edits to the existing list 
  6. Click Save Changes 

Add, delete, or modify moderators of the mailing list*.

If the mailing list is moderated (see instructions for “Edit sending and receiving permissions”), messages posted to the list will first be passed to the moderators, who will decide whether to distribute or reject it.

*Privileged owners only, however all owners can view the list of moderators.

  1. From the left menu, go to Settings > Users > Moderators
  2. On this page you can do the following:

Add a moderator

  1. Fill in the fields for Email and Name
  2. Under Email Notification, select an option
  3. Click Add moderator

Edit a moderator

  1. Under the Moderator Index, click on an email address
  2. You can edit the following:
    • Name
    • Reception Mode
  3. Click Apply Changes

Delete moderators

  1. Under the Moderator Index, check the box beside each email address you would like to delete
  2. Click Delete

Add, delete, or modify owners of the mailing list*.  

*Privileged owners only, however all owners can view the list of owners. 

  1. From the left menu, go to Settings > Users > Owners 
  2. On this page you can do the following: 

Add an owner 

  1. Under Owner Type, select an option 
  2. Basic owners of this list have the ability to manage subscribers of this list. They may review subscribers and add, delete, or modify email addresses from the mailing list
  3. Privileged owners of the list can also manage subscribers of this list, but they can also assign other owners and moderators for the mailing list and are able to make more edits to the list settings 
  4. Fill in the fields for Email and Name 
  5. Under Email Notification, select an option 
  6. Click Add owner 

Edit an owner 

  1. Under the Owner Index, click on an email address 
  2. You can edit the following: 
    • Name 
    • Reception mode 
  3. Click Apply Changes 

Delete owners 

  1. Under the Owner Index, check the box beside each email address you would like to delete 
  2. Click Delete 

Download or delete message archives sent during a selected month.

  1. From the left menu, go to Settings > Archives
  2. From the drop-down menu, select a month or months by holding down the ctrl key + right click
  3. Click one of the following options:
    • Download – You will receive a zip file containing folders for each month selected. Each file is a message that was sent in that month. They will not have an extension; however, you can open them with a plain text editor (ie: Notepad or TextEdit)
    • Delete – Performing this action is irreversible, so ensure that you have downloaded a copy of the selected archive(s)

View historical records of usage patterns, user activities and operations logs within this mailing list.

  1. From the left menu, go to Settings > Logs
  2. Use any of the following filters for your search:
    • Search by – Email or Message ID, then enter an applicable value in the field “Matching with:”
    • Search date from – click on “Calendar” to select a date
    • To – click on “Calendar” to select a date
      • The date filters are independent from each other, so you do not have to select a date for both.
    • Search by type – select an option
  3. Click View

For moderated lists (see instructions for “Edit sending and receiving permissions”), all messages have to be approved by one of the assigned moderators before it is distributed to the entire mailing list.

After sending a message to a list:

  • subscribers are notified by email that their message will be moderated
  • moderators will receive an email notice with the requested message for review

  1. From the left menu, go to Settings > Requests > Messages
  2. On this page you can do the following:

View, distribute or reject an individual message

  1. Under Listing messages to moderate, click on a message to review
  2. From the drop-down menu, select a notification option
  3. Click on one of the following options:
    • Distribute Email 
    • Reject Email 
  4. (Optional) Click on Add subscribers if the senders of the message are not subscribers to the list, then you can add them

Bulk distribute or reject messages

  1. Under Listing messages to moderate, check the box beside the messages that you would like to distribute or reject
  2. From the drop-down menu, select a notification option
  3. Click on the one of the following options:
    • Distribute Email – approve the message
    • Reject Email – from the drop-down menu below, select a notification option before clicking on the button

Manage rejection messages

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the section Listing messages to moderate
  2. Click on Manage rejection messages
  3. From here you can do the following:
    • Edit an existing message
    • Delete an existing message
    • Create a new message – a default template including merge tags will be provided for you to edit

Deleting a list is permanent. Once a mailing list has been deleted, it cannot be restored (use with care!).

  1. From the left menu, go to Settings
  2. Under the “Delete” section, click Delete List

Additional Resources


If you would like further support with the Arts Mailing List System, please connect with us to learn more about the tool and its capabilities.

Upcoming Events