Data Reporting

Gain valuable insights and make informed decisions with our comprehensive data reporting offerings.

Arts ISIT provides tailored reports for critical operations like promotion and tenure, department reviews, teaching awards, faculty recruitment and more.

Our data analytics and reporting services are primarily offered to the Arts Dean’s Office, department heads, administrators, and faculty and staff engaged in administrative processes (such as program chairs and undergraduate directors upon approval from department heads).

Service offering

We offer the following support for the Dean of Arts Office and heads, directors, and chairs:

Data reporting

  • Consultation – Providing an overview of the data that is available through existing solutions and how to use this information to inform unit decisions
  • Setup – Setting up instances for new Faculty of Arts units and provide access
  • Training – Providing one-on-one or group training on how to interact with data products on Tableau, how to interpret the data/information presented, and how to use it in relation to the process it supports (i.e., to connect them to decision-making)
  • Troubleshooting – Fixing any incidents or issues you may be having with Tableau

Arts data reporting services

Setup and orientations on Arts Tableau

Our data reports are available for self-service access on Tableau. We assist in setting up new units with access to the Arts Tableau Server, creating project folders, and publishing reports to support administrative processes within the UBC Faculty of Arts. Additionally, we provide personalized 1:1 training and orientation sessions upon request to ensure a comprehensive understanding of our reports.

Consulting on existing data and solutions

We can support you in making data-driven decisions by offering guidance and expertise on existing data and solutions. Consult with us to:

  • Assess available data and its administrative applications
  • Interpret the data reports effectively
  • Explore data-based solutions to address problems

Data reports supporting your Faculty of Arts processes

Our team provides insightful data reports for essential operations, such as promotion and tenure, department reviews, teaching awards, and faculty candidate diversity. These resources facilitate informed decision-making and foster excellence within your unit.

Arts data reports

Report description and functionality

We offer comprehensive reports designed to provide valuable insights and streamline decision-making. Our reports cover student and departmental analytics, data on Student Experience of Instruction (SEI) surveys, as well as general reports.

Teaching and Learning Data Dossier (10 Years)

Gain a comprehensive understanding of your department's performance with our semi-standard template for departmental reviews. This dossier draws on up to 10 years of data, including student enrolments, class size, grades, course evaluations, specializations, degrees awarded, and degree completion time. Discover trends over time and benchmark against similar units within the Faculty of Arts.

Course Section Registration Tracker

Efficiently track near real-time registration activity within your units, providing valuable insights into section availability and registration patterns for future planning.

Instructor Grading Report

Showcase the grading patterns of individual instructors over the past six academic years, highlighting teaching excellence by showcasing that outstanding teaching evaluations result from genuine excellence and dedication and not due to lenient grading practices.

% Grade Distribution Report

Gain a summary of grade distributions within your unit over the last 10 academic years, allowing you to analyze overall student grade averages, average course section grade averages by academic year and year level, and drill down to specific instructors or courses.

Instructor SEoI Summary Scores Report

Access a comprehensive summary of teaching evaluation scores for individual instructors over the past 10 academic/session years, supporting promotion and tenure review, teaching award applications, and investigations into teaching performance.

Instructor SEoI Comments Report

Capture a summary of teaching evaluation comments for individual instructors over the past 10 academic/session years, supporting teaching awards (e.g. Killam) applications and providing insights into teaching effectiveness.

Instructor SEoI Summary Report (summative) - calendar or academic year

Obtain a comprehensive summary of teaching evaluation scores and trends for the unit over the past 5 academic or calendar years, enabling detailed analysis of results from courses and instructors.

Teaching Assistant (TA) SEoI Scores Report (individual)

Summarize teaching evaluation scores for individual TAs, offering a valuable tool for performance assessment and feedback.

Teaching Assistant (TA) SEoI Scores Report (departmental)

Gain an overview of TA evaluation scores for the entire department, facilitating comparisons and informed decision-making for TA reappointments.

Candidate Faculty Diversity

Discover the diversity within the pool of applicants for specific faculty positions within your unit, supporting equitable hiring practices and fostering inclusivity.

Arts data reports offering

Our data reports aid reviews, award nomination, and decision making. Explore the reports we offer by their use type and gain an understanding of who can solicit them.

Reports by Faculty of Arts administrative processes

Faculty of Arts ProcessReports offered
Faculty Killam Teaching Awards Instructor SEoI Scores Report

Instructor SEoI Comments Report

Instructor Grading Report
Annual faculty merit and performance salary adjustment reviewDepartmental SEoI Scores Report (calendar year)
Faculty promotion, tenure and re-appointmentInstructor SEoI Scores Report
External review of departmentsTeaching and Learning Dossier
Departmental internal review and explorationsDepartmental SEoI Scores Report
Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant AwardsTA SEoI Scores Report (individual)
Review and re-appointment of teaching assistants TA SEoI Scores Report (individual)

TA SEoI Scores Report (departmental)
Faculty hiring searchCandidate Faculty Report
Course registration tracker Course section registration tracker
Course registration activity trackingSection registration tracker

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