Promoting academic integrity in exams

Foster an environment of academic integrity.

Academic dishonesty in-person and online can be challenging to prevent. Experts report that some reasons students feel a need to cheat are due to stress, motivation, and disconnection. Consider setting testing conditions so the cheating temptation is low and the barrier to cheating is high.

Below are some practical tips for using in the classroom to promote academic integrity:

  1. Review the policy and procedures outlined on the Arts AIR Academic Misconduct page.
  2. Visit the UBC Academic Integrity Faculty Resource site for information about how to foster an environment of academic integrity, sample wording about academic integrity on exams, and more.
  3.  Have a dialogue with the class about cheating before the end of the term. Give them examples of cheating behaviour you have seen in the past and encourage them to visit the Chapman Learning Commons student guide for academic integrity.
  4. Create a fair, fit-to-purpose online exam.
  5. For student and faculty resources and information about the role of academic integrity and what happens when it is breached, see the UBC Academic Integrity page.

Tools to promote academic integrity in exams