My Media and Media Gallery Alternatives During Intermittent Loading Issues

During the intermittent loading issues of My Media and Media Gallery as noted by the UBC IT Enterprise Services Status Page, we recognize the importance for certain courses to be able to share video content with students to help them prepare for exams.  Here are a few alternatives that may be used: 

  • Uploading videos using the Canvas Media Tool
  • Sharing video links from UBC Teaching and Learning Media 
  • Embedding videos from UBC Teaching and Learning Media 
  • Sharing videos through CLAS

Until this issue is resolved, please avoid using My Media or Media Gallery for new content that is being created.

Uploading videos using the Canvas Media Tool

Instructors can create a canvas page as a temporary workaround. If you have your videos stored locally, use the Canvas Media tool and place your videos on a page. If you need access to your latest lecture videos, please contact the LT Hub at:

Sharing Link from UBC Teaching and Learning Media   

Video links from the Media Gallery may be accessed from UBC Teaching and Learning Media and shared with your students. Note: Students can share the links with others who are not enrolled in the Canvas course.   

Please follow the steps below to retrieve the video link: 

  1. Log in to using your CWL.
  2. Click your name in the top-right, then click ‘My Media’.
  3. Find the media file that you want to share, then click on the pencil button next to the media file.
  4. Under the video, click on the ‘Publish’ tab.
  5. Change ‘Publishing Status to Unlisted’.
  6. Click ‘Save.’
  7. Scroll to the top of the page, and click ‘Back to Media Page’.
  8. In the tabs under the video, click on the ‘Share’ tab.
  9. Copy this link and share this link with your students. (Note that while this link is not public, anyone with access to this link can view your video).

Embedding from UBC Teaching and Learning Media   

Embedding a video in your Canvas course allows students to view the video without needing a link to access an external site. The files will be made public, but they will only be accessible on the pages where they have been embedded. 

Please follow the steps below to embed the video:

  1. Log in to using your CWL.
  2. Click your name in the top-right, then click ‘My Media’.
  3. Find the media file that you want to share and click on the name of the file.
  4. Click the ‘Share’ tab.
  5. Click ‘Embed’.
  6. Copy the code for the file. Please note that the file will be made public on the pages where it has been embedded, regardless of whether the file is listed as Private or Published in Learning Media.
  7. On your Canvas course, click ‘Edit’ on the page you will add the file to.
  8. Click the HTML editor button.
  9. Paste the code into the text entry box.
  10. Click ‘Save’ at the bottom of the page.

The following PDF contains the steps with images for your reference: Embedding Videos From UBC Teaching and Learning Media

Please note that sharing the video through a link or embed will not prevent students from screen casting the video or recording the video through another device. Embedding the video may deter students from sharing the video because retrieving the link is more difficult.

Uploading videos in CLAS

If neither of the options above work for you, you can upload your videos into CLAS.

If you do not have an existing CLAS site, one can be created. The videos can be viewed on CLAS directly to avoid students from sharing the video with users who are not enrolled in the course.

If you have any additional questions, please contact us.