Reminder: Publish your Standing Deferral (SD) Canvas courses

If you’re an instructor with a Standing Deferral (SD) course in Canvas, review and publish your SD course for students who are finishing outstanding course work.

After January 2025, students will no longer have access to Winter 2024 Term 1 course materials in Canvas. If you have any students with an SD status for Winter 2024 Term 1 courses, you must publish your SD courses in Canvas so that students can continue to access the course materials.

SD course copies have been created for students to complete any outstanding work. If a student has been granted SD status in your course, you will notice a course listed on your Canvas dashboard with an “SD.” prefix. The course is initially unpublished, so it is inaccessible to students.

Review your course before publishing

Before you publish an SD course, make sure to:

  • Review all content.
  • Remove/unpublish any content, files, and/or quiz answer keys that should not be available.

Items that are not duplicated

Please note that the following items are not automatically copied over:

  • Any work completed by the student in the regular course: It is the student’s responsibility to retain any work they completed, or you may provide it to them from the original course.
  • Grades from completed assessments: Please refer to the original course. You can transfer grades manually or by exporting from the Gradebook and importing into the SD course, or you can contact Arts ISIT for assistance.
  • Library Online Course Reserves: Please contact the library at or 604-822-2639 for assistance.
  • Media Gallery: Kaltura videos embedded into Canvas will be copied over, however, any Kaltura videos in your course’s Media Gallery must be separately imported into the SD course copy.
  • If students require access to Zoom recordings or if a student replies to discussion posts from the original course, please contact Arts ISIT for assistance.