New Canvas SpeedGrader and Gradebook updates

The latest Canvas June 2024 release includes updates frequently requested by instructors.

Sort and anonymize names on SpeedGrader

By default, the SpeedGrader student list arranges student names alphabetically by last name.

For easier grading, instructors can sort the student list by student name (alphabetically), submission date, or by submission status. You can also view the students in random order and view the students within a submission status in random order.

You can combine this feature with anonymous grading to minimize grading bias. For more detailed instructions on how to arrange or anonymize student names in Speedgrader, visit the Canvas help site.

Send messages through Gradebook

Previously, instructors could message students through the total column. You can now message send messages through Gradebook based on their submission criteria.

Message subjects are filtered based on specific assignment categories:

  • Have submitted: Students who have submitted the assignment, even if they have a grade or not.
  • Haven’t submitted yet: Students who haven’t submitted the assignment, even if they have been manually awarded a grade.
  • Haven’t been graded: Students whose assignments have not yet been graded (submitted or unsubmitted).
  • Scored less than [point value]: Students who earned a grade on their assignment less than X number of points.
  • Scored more than [point value]: Students who earned a grade on their assignment more than X number of points.
  • Reassigned: Students who have submitted an assignment and you have reassigned it to them.

Arts ISIT support

For more information and to request a consultation about Canvas features, contact Arts ISIT.